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Showing 12031 - 12040 of 15518 results
  • mateo-valero/52-program-chair-vice-chair
    Date: 18/10/2012
    HPCC. IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Communications. Co-program Chair. Dalian, China, September 25-29, 2008. ICS-2007. Co-program Chair. IEEE-ACM International Conference on Supercomputing. Seattle, June 2007. ISCA-2006. IEEE-ACM International Symposium on Computer Arch...
  • mateo-valero/51-general-chair
    Date: 18/10/2012
    RISC V NCP Japan General Chair. ACM Europe Conference Barcelona, September 7-8, 2017. Honorary Chair, IEEE/ACM CCGril ConferenceInternational Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing. Madrid, Spain, from 14th to 17th of May, 2017. Co-general Chair del Workshop ...
  • mateo-valero/conferences-organization
    Date: 18/10/2012
    6.1 General Chair 6.2 Program Chair / Vice-chair 6.3 Steering Committee 6.4 Selected Invited Talks 6.5 Program Committee Member 6.6 Session Chair
    6.1 General Chair 6.2 Program Chair / Vice-chair 6.3 Steering Committee 6.4 Selected Invited Talks 6.5 Program Committee Member 6.6 Session Chair
  • mateo-valero/4-other-honours
    Date: 18/10/2012
    Member of the Jury of the Research Awards of the L’Oreal – Unesco Program “For Women in Science” Edition XVIII, 2023-2024.   Member of "The Trillion Parameter Consortium" (TPC), November 2023.   Plenary member of the Infrastructure Ad...
  • mateo-valero/3-awards-and-prizes
    Date: 18/10/2012
    Named honorary doctorate from the University of Murcia (UMU), in Murcia (Spain), January 2024 Award for Scientific Communicat...
  • mateo-valero/summary
    Date: 17/10/2012
    Professor Mateo Valero, born in 1952 (Alfamén, Zaragoza), obtained his Telecommunication Engineering Degree from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) in 1974 and his Ph.D. in Telecommunications from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 1980. He has been teaching at UPC since 197...
    Professor Mateo Valero, born in 1952 (Alfamén, Zaragoza), obtained his Telecommunication Engineering Degree from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) in 1974 and his Ph.D. in Telecommunications from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in...
  • BSC in the Media. Source: BSC
    Date: 17/10/2012
    During the SC12 exhibition, BSC presented the latest results in programming tools and models, HPC services for industry, highlighting scientific applications in the field of Life and Earth Sciences, etc.
    During the SC12 exhibition, BSC presented the latest results in programming tools and models, HPC services for industry, highlighting scientific applications in the field of Life and Earth Sciences, etc. Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)...
  • BSC in the Media. Source: SINC
    Date: 16/10/2012
  • BSC in the Media. Source: El Punt-Avui
    Date: 16/10/2012
  • BSC in the Media. Source: Clínic Barcelona
    Date: 16/10/2012
