
Showing 21 - 29 results of 29

This Centre of Excellence will advance the role of computationally based modelling and simulation within biomedicine. Three related user communities lie at the heart of the CoE: academic, industrial and clinical researchers who all wish to build, develop and extend such capabilities in line with the increasing power of high performance computers. Three distinct exemplar...

This Project is placed in the scientific context of Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) in Ocean Circulation Models (OCMs). The principal objective of the Project is to establish a long-lasting collaboration, to provide a possibility for transfer of knowledge,to enable exchanges of research personnel, and to create an intercontinental network in the area of oceanographic Data...

Tropical Cyclones (TCs) rate as the primary natural disaster in the context of causing death, destruction and economic loss. The impact of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans and Sandy on New York testify to their destructive capacity: they have caused combined damage reaching close to $200 billions and consequences of these storms, particularly Katrina, can still be felt to...

 IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremes For a better anticipation on future high impact hydrological extremes disrupting safety of citizens, agricultural production, transportation, energy production and urban water supply, and overall economic productivity, prediction and foresighting capabilities and their intake in these strategic sectors need...

ESiWACE will substantially improve efficiency and productivity of numerical weather and climate simulation on high-performance computing platforms by supporting the end-to-end workflow of global Earth system modelling in HPC environment. This will be obtained by improving and supporting the: (1) scalability of models, tools and data management on state-of-the-art...

The main objective of this project (MDRAF) was to describe the 3D structure of Mediterranean desert dust outbreaks and study their effects on radiation and atmospheric dynamics by means of numerical modeling (NMMB/BSC Chemical Transport model-NMMB/BSC-CTM). Moreover, the meteorological feedbacks and the forecasting accuracy of NMMB/BSCCTM when dust effects are considered were...

IS-ENES2 is the second phase project of the distributed e-infrastructure of models, model data and metadata of the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES). This network gathers together the European modelling community working on understanding and predicting climate variability and change. ENES organizes and supports European contributions to international...

Air quality in Europe is still facing a continued wide-spread of exceedances, particularly regarding PM, NOx and O3. The 2008 Air Quality Directive requests Member States (MS) to design local and regional plans and assess their impacts on air quality and human health. MS have therefore developed and applied a wide range of modeling methods to cope with these obligations....

The grand challenge of Exascale computing, a critical pillar for global scientific progress, requires co-designed architectures, system software and applications. Massive worldwide collaboration of leading centres, already underway, is crucial to achieve pragmatic, effective solutions. Existing funding programs do not support this complex multidisciplinary effort. Severo...
