
Showing 31 - 40 results of 128

ASPECT aims to setup and demonstrate a seamless climate information (SCI) system with a time horizon up to 30yr and accompanied with underlying research and using climate information for sectoral applications ( middle-ground level 1). The project's goal is to improve existing climate prediction systems and to merge their outputs across timescales together with climate...

Precipitation directly affects societies and ecosystems, with extremely wet and dry conditions posing potential risks. Our ability to predict variations in precipitation on seasonal, inter-annual and decadal time scales is limited, and state-of-the-art prediction systems exhibit low skill in predicting precipitation despite substantial developments and improvements of the...

Forest fires caused over 54 billion in economic losses in Europe between 2000 and 2017. Spain is one of Europe s most impacted countries with 219 large fires between 2011 and 2020 and damages worth 525 million. These numbers are inevitably bound to rise given the economic growth outlook, expected rise in population, and forecasted impact of climate change. The current...

The CDRESM project responds to the urgent necessity of reliable science-based recommendations to inform climate policies for the coming decades. In this project, we will implement land- and ocean-based CDR techniques representations in a state-of-the-art Earth System Model.

These new implementations will be thoroughly tested to assess their...

The GLObal digital twin for RegIonal and local climate Adaptation (GLORIA) proposal is motivated by three challenges identified in the last few years that affect climate modelling for adaptation and mitigation:

1) climate simulations are increasingly demanded but are expensive experiments in terms of computing resources, data storage and human...

IMPETUS4CHANGE (I4C) will make significant scientific advances that will enhance our collective ability to act on and adapt to near-term climate change. The overarching objective of I4C is to improve the quality, accessibility and usability of near-term climate information and services at local to regional scales where impacts are most keenly felt and on-the-ground adaptation...

Compound events (CEs) can pose significant threats to societies, economies and ecosystems around the world, especially when amplified by anthropogenic climate change (ACC). There is therefore a strong need for skilled, reliable and actionable predictions of how CEs are expected to change in the next decades to help governments and stakeholders implement robust adaptation...

This contract will aim at carrying out the European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA). The primary policy purposes of EUCRA are:" to support the identification of adaptation-related policy priorities for the next European Commission (to be nominated in 2024)," to support the prioritization of adaptation-related investments for the following multi-annual financial framework...

Despite clear signs that the impacts of climate change are escalating, the global response has been inadequate. Traditional scientific efforts have fallen short of providing knowledge and tools that have been broadly applied in decision-making, and innovative approaches to knowledge translation are needed.


To catalyse climate action in Europe to protect public health,...

In the last report of its first working group, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that there is still much unknown about regional climate change. Even over a number of very large regions, seventy years of warming does not seem enough to assess if three has been a change in hydrological extremes (floods and droughts). Given that the global climate...
