Hybrid/Heterogeneous Programming with OmpSs and its Software/Hardware Implications
URL: http://www.par.univie.ac.at/~pllana/manycore_book/
Authors: Ayguade, Eduard / Badia, Rosa / Bellens, Pieter / Bueno-Hedo, Javier / Duran, Alejandro / Etsion, Yoav / Farreras, Montse / Ferrer, Roger / Labarta, Jesús / Marjanovic, Vladimir / Martinell, Luis / Martorell, Xavier / Pérez, Josep / Planas, Judit / Ramirez, Alex / Teruel, Xavier / Tsalouchidou, Ioanna / Valero, Mateo
Publication: Programming Multi-Core and Many-Core Computing Systems (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)