Decoupling of size and shape fluctuations in heteropolymeric sequences reconciles discrepancies in SAXS vs. FRET measurements
Authors: Fuertes, Gustavo / Banterle, Niccolò / Ruff, Kiersten / Chowdhury, Aritra / Mercadante, Davide / Koehler, Christine / Kachala, Michael / Girona, Gemma / Milles, Sigrid / Mishra, Ankur / Onck, Patrick / Gräter, Frauke / Esteban-Martín, Santiago / Pappu, Rohit / Svergun, Dmitri / Lemke, Edward
Publication: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Volume / Number / Pagination: 114 / 31 / E6342 - E6351