RDA Europe 4.0: RDA Europe: the European plug-in to the Research Data Alliance
RDA Europe 4.0 addresses the INFRASUPP-02-2017 call targeting the area European support to the Research DataAlliance, RDA designing Europe s contribution to implementation of an effective governance model and strategy in RDAglobal, while ensuring that RDA delivers on locally relevant issues. RDA Europe 4.0 focuses on the need for open andinteroperable sharing of research data & on the need to build social, technical and cross-disciplinary links to enable suchsharing on a global scale. It strives to do this with its community-driven and bottom-up approach launched since 2012. Infact, RDA Europe 4.0 directly builds on the current RDA Europe effort, by efficiently bringing in the organisations thatimplemented RDA Europe since 2012.
The scope of RDA Europe 4.0 is to become the centrepiece for an EU Open Science Strategy through a consolidated European network of National Nodes, bringing forward an RDA legacy in Europe, providing skilled, voluntary resources from the EU investment to address DSM issues, by means also of an open cascading grant process. The ambitious, 27-month project is implemented by 5 beneficiaries (Trust-IT Services, Gottingen State University Library, theDigital Repository of Ireland at the Royal Irish Academy, the Digital Curation Centre and the RDA Foundation), skillfully supported by 9 National Nodes which carry out specific operational activities & act as national champions for their respective region. One of the specific goals of RDA Europe 4.0 is to complete a capillary European network by on-boarding additional 13 nodes by project end. Main Outputs: Expansion from 9 to 22 national nodes in EU; 7500+ individual members & 75 organisational members; 9 RDA recommendations as ICT technical specifications; consolidated programme for experts, early careers, ambassadors &adoption projects; 5 international RDA plenary meetings; integration with EOSC, ESFRI & other pan-EU initiatives; RDAEurope self-sustained after project completion.