10th RES Users'Conference & 5th HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference
The Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES), coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), and the High Performance Computing Advisory Council, will hold the 5th HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference and the 10th RES Users'Conference on 20th & 21st September 2016, in León (Spain).
The HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference's objective is to encourage an interactive exchange through keynote, panel, technical and sponsor sessions and addresses a range of interests, disciplines and topics such as:Ushering in the Exascale Era, Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Data Sciences and Big Data Acceleration … and much more.
The 10th RES Users'Conference will inform on the available resources and services, as well as the request method and review procedure, to disseminate the results obtained using the RES supercomputing facilities, and to offer a discussion forum between the users, the CURES and the RES coordination. Moreover it will share the experience of PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) users and how to request acces to those european infrastructures.
Download the book of abstracts and the presentations of the 10th RES Users' Conference:
- Book of Abstracts
- Plenary sessions
- Life and health sciences
- Mathematics, physics and engineering
- Chemistry and materials science and technology
- Astronomy, space and earth sicences
Visit the Image Gallery of the event