European experts offer their know-how to improve the performance of HPC applications
The Center of Excellence on Performance, Optimization and Productivity (POP), coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, starts its activities today.
- The Center of Excellence on Performance, Optimization and Productivity (POP), coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, starts its activities today
- The POP is formed by experts from the Supercomputing centers in Jülich and Stuttgart, the Technical University of Aachen, the British center of numerical services NAG, the French center of competence for numerical simulation Ter@atec and BSC
Barcelona, October 1, 2015 – Developers of applications that require the use of High Performance Computing (HPC) can count now with the free advice of European experts to analyze the performance of its codes.
The Performance Optimization and Productivity (POP) Center of Excellence, supported by the European Commission, starts operating today. POP is coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and led by the director of BSC’s Computer Sciences Department, Prof. Jesús Labarta.
POP Center of Excellence gathers together experts from BSC, the German Supercomputing centers in Jülich and Stuttgart, the Technical University of Aachen, the British center of numerical services NAG and the French center of competence for numerical simulation Ter@atec.
The aim of POP is to provide service to the industrial and academic community, help them to better understand the behavior of their codes and suggest improvements to increase their efficiency.
Centers of excellence in High Performance Computing
POP is one of the eight Centers of Excellence in HPC that have been promoted by the European Commission to foster the use of HPC technologies in science and engineering within Horizon 2020.
The Barcelona Supercomputing Center coordinates POP and is part of the five following: ESiWACE, on weather and climate simulation; Oriented Energy Center of Excellence, for the application of HPC in new energy sources research; BioExcel, for biomolecular research; and MAX and NOMAD, for research in new materials.
For more information, please contact:
Phone: + 34 93 413 75 14 / +34 675 78 59 75 (Gemma Ribas)
You can find further information about POP Center of Excellence at: or you can ask for technical and operational information to
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) is the national supercomputing centre in Spain. BSC specialises in high performance computing (HPC) and its mission is two-fold: to provide infrastructure and supercomputing services to European scientists, and to generate knowledge and technology to transfer to business and society.
BSC is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence and a first level hosting member of the European research infrastructure PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe). BSC also manages the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES).
For more information, please contact:
Phone: + 34 93 413 75 14 / +34 675 78 59 75 (Gemma Ribas)
You can find further information about POP Center of Excellence at: or you can ask for technical and operational information to
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) is the national supercomputing centre in Spain. BSC specialises in high performance computing (HPC) and its mission is two-fold: to provide infrastructure and supercomputing services to European scientists, and to generate knowledge and technology to transfer to business and society.
BSC is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence and a first level hosting member of the European research infrastructure PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe). BSC also manages the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES).