BSC hosts the IS-ENES2 first General Assembly
From 11 to 13 June, BSC hosted the IS-ENES2 first general Assembly that aims to assess what has been achieved so far in the project, to prepare the first periodic report (due in September 2014), and to plan the next period. Over 60 people have participated in this meeting.
About IS-ENES2
IS-ENES2 is the second phase FP7 European project of the distributed e-infrastructure of models on clima, model data and metadata of the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES). This network gathers together the European modelling community working on understanding and predicting climate variability and change.
IS-ENES2 combines expertise in climate modelling, computational science, data management and climate impacts.
The aims and objectives are
Foster the integration of the European Climate and Earth system modeling community
- Strengthen ENES governance, further developing its strategy, especially with regards to model evaluation and model developments
- Stimulate interactions between global and regional climate modeling communities
- Develop training
Enhance the development of Earth System Models for the understanding of climate variability and change
- Network on future model developments required to improve model quality and use of future computing architectures
- Stimulate common software developments and providing a service on models and tools
Support high-end simulations enabling us to better understand and predict climate variations and change
- Prepare for future exascale computing architectures
- Prepare multi-model high resolution common experiments on the European PRACE high-performance computer facilities
- Stimulate collaboration with ICT companies
Facilitate the application of Earth system model simulations to better predict and understand climate change impacts on society
- Enhance the dissemination of model results from both global and regional model experiments
- Develop an interface dedicated to the climate impact community and improving the quality of information on simulations through metadata developments and guidance to users
- Enhance interaction between the climate modelling activity and users from companies and the emerging climate services