NLP for Biomedical Information Analysis

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The BSC's Health Language Technology group generates AI and deep-learning based natural language processing resources, including components, annotated data/protocols. It also defines evaluation scenarios to assess and monitor the quality of implementations by the global research community through high impact open data benchmark shared tasks (BioCreative/IberLEF/CLEF). Our...

Cardiovascular diseases remain the main cause of mortality worldwide; in particular, heart failure (HF) poses complex challenges in clinical practice, as it is associated with a significant variability in aetiologies, manifestations and risks, as well as in its progression andtrajectories over time. Clinical risks of HF can vary from reduced cardiac function and regular...

El nuevo milenio impulsó la digitalización de las historias clínicas para la transición digital de la salud en España. Este proceso generó grandes repositorios de datos en hospitales, centros de salud regionales y bases de datos nacionales. Si bien los datos estructurados (p.ej. resultados de laboratorio, códigos de...

Biomaterials in healthcare span almost all medical fields, ranging from recognised materials to high-innovative innovative and multifunctional biomaterials. One of the main challenges is to provide accessible and well-structured data on biomaterials for all relevant practitioners and user groups. BIOMATDB+ aims to create an advanced database for biomaterials providing...
