SORS: Decadal prediction of precipitation and temperature in Chile
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The Chilean economy depends strongly on its climate; about 10% of its gross domestic product comes from natural resources that depend on climate and a third of its electricity supply depends on hydrology. In addition, periods of flood and drought affecting the country have resulted in significant economic losses and have a direct impact on the population. One example is the recent long-period of drought, known as the "Mega drought", that has affected the central part of the country for the last eight years, a phenomenon that has had a direct impact on Chile's agricultural and wine production. It is for these reasons that the knowledge of the near-future climatic trajectory at decadal time-scales would allow both companies and governmental institutions to formulate public policies and develop strategies to reduce the possible negative impacts of climate variability and change in Chile. The aim of this work is to advance our understanding of decadal climate predictability and improve our tools for the forecast quality assessment, in the framework of a two months internship in BSC. In this study we will review the main climate circulation patterns over Chile, with the objective to understand the dynamical mechanisms and processes responsible for climate variability and predictability, and we will analyze the predictive capacity of decadal prediction systems to forecast precipitation and temperature in Chile, in comparison with the non-initialized simulations that only contain the external forcing of the climate system. To achieve this goal, probabilistic and deterministic forecast verification scores are used to evaluate the added value of initialization, that is, phasing our models with the observed climate state. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort looking into this subject in Chile.
The Chilean economy depends strongly on its climate; about 10% of its gross domestic product comes from natural resources that depend on climate and a third of its electricity supply depends on hydrology. In addition, periods of flood and drought affecting the country have resulted in significant economic losses and have a direct impact on the population. One example is the recent long-period of drought, known as the "Mega drought", that has affected the central part of the country for the last eight years, a phenomenon that has had a direct impact on Chile's agricultural and wine production. It is for these reasons that the knowledge of the near-future climatic trajectory at decadal time-scales would allow both companies and governmental institutions to formulate public policies and develop strategies to reduce the possible negative impacts of climate variability and change in Chile. The aim of this work is to advance our understanding of decadal climate predictability and improve our tools for the forecast quality assessment, in the framework of a two months internship in BSC. In this study we will review the main climate circulation patterns over Chile, with the objective to understand the dynamical mechanisms and processes responsible for climate variability and predictability, and we will analyze the predictive capacity of decadal prediction systems to forecast precipitation and temperature in Chile, in comparison with the non-initialized simulations that only contain the external forcing of the climate system. To achieve this goal, probabilistic and deterministic forecast verification scores are used to evaluate the added value of initialization, that is, phasing our models with the observed climate state. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort looking into this subject in Chile.
Short bio

Rocío Ormazabal