The Quest for Orthologs benchmark service and consensus calls in 2020Abstract
Authors: Altenhoff, Adrian / Garrayo-Ventas, Javier / Cosentino, Salvatore / Emms, David / Glover, Natasha / Hernández-Plaza, Ana / Nevers, Yannis / Sundesha, Vicky / Szklarczyk, Damian / Fernández, José / Codó, Laia / Consortium, the / Gelpi, Josep / Huerta-Cepas, Jaime / Iwasaki, Wataru / Kelly, Steven / Lecompte, Odile / Muffato, Matthieu / Martin, Maria / Capella-Gutierrez, Salvador / Thomas, Paul / Sonnhammer, Erik / Dessimoz, Christophe
Publication: Nucleic Acids Research
Volume / Pagination: 48191419101028303436127713484730533357596195202016425334781221033348645918115204742 / W538 - W545