Evaluation of extreme precipitation over Southeast Asia in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 regional climate model results andAbstract
URL: https://rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/10970088/43/3
Authors: Hariadi, Mugni / van der Schrier, Gerard / Steeneveld, Gert‐Jan / Ratri, Dian / Sopaheluwakan, Ardhasena / Tank, Albert / Aldrian, Edvin / Gunawan, Dodo / Moine, Marie‐Pierre / Bellucci, Alessio / Senan, Retish / Tourigny, Etienne / Putrasahan, Dian / Linarka, Utoyo
Publication: International Journal of Climatology
Volume / Number / Pagination: 43 / 3 / 1639 - 1659