ODISSEE: Online Data Intensive Solutions for Science in the Exabytes Era
This project federates efforts from 3 pan-European ESFRI infrastructures (HL-LHC, SKAO and SLICES-RI) in physical sciences, Big Data, and in the computing continuum supporting flagship instruments that will maintain and strengthen European leadership in high energy physics and astronomy. The main goal is to enable key science projects, with the search for Dark Matter serving as a pilotprogram, combining the complementary capabilities of these three unique research infrastructures. ODISSEE will deliver evolutionary and revolutionary hardware and software platforms to address the corresponding digital challenges in a highly competitive international context.
Developed through a joint and comprehensive R&D program with industry partners, as well as access to cutting edge experimental facilities from SLICES-RI, so as to enable HL-LHC and SKA to process and analyze the vast volumes of raw data they produce. Targeting such data flow driven applications opens the way to a new range of technologies and services, feeding SLICES-RI with a unique yet representative set of specifications to progress their operational & experimental capacities at an unprecedentedscale, increasing the dissemination potential. Bringing these 3 infrastructures to their full capacity, as well as operating and maintaining them, pose similar grand challenges across the digital continuum and require addressing the 3 dimensions of sustainability. Co-design and close partnership of academia with European companies will foster competitiveness of European industry and promote digital sovereignty. The project is deeply embedded into both regional and international R&I ecosystems, with strong connections to several major European initiatives and associated partnerships with main technology providers. Strong and lasting impact is built-in the two-fold exploitation strategy including the development of unique in-depth training for R.I. staff andextensive trans-sectoral dissemination.