CASE Open Day
The Department of Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (CASE) of BSC invites you to the second edition of the CASE Open Day, a networking event where female students can learn about BSC and the research being done by the CASE team, as well as meet some of the researchers to ask them questions or learn from their experiences. Attendees will also have the opportunity to visit MareNostrum 4 and 5, the most powerful supercomputer in Spain.
This event is part of one of the activities of Equity4CASE, an initiative that seeks to promote research by women.
- Bachelor and master female students. Limited places (max. 30 people)
- Registration:
See brochure with agenda here.
#WomeninBSC #EquityinBSC
*Please note that the maximum number of participants for this event is 30 people. We will send you an email to confirm your registration by 07 February 2024