BSC hosts the 11th progress meeting of the Aerosol Climate Change Initiative project
From 22 to 23 May BSC is hosting the 11th progress meeting of the Aerosol_cci Phase 2 project, one of the fourteen parallel projects of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) programme. The objective of the CCI programme is to realise the full potential of long-term global Earth Observation archives that ESA together with its Member States have established over the last 30 years. Different Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) are under investigation, each of them in a dedicated project. The term ECV has been introduced by the Global Climate Observing System program for "a physical, chemical, or biological variable that critically contributes to the characteristics of the Earth's climate". With regard to the aerosol variables, the Aerosol_cci project brings together the major European aerosol retrieval experts and user communities, with the aim at producing a set of global aerosol ECV products from European Earth Observation sensors.
The role of BSC
Within the Aerosol_cci project, the Earth Science department of BSC performs a user case study on the assimilation of mineral dust observations into their chemical weather prediction system, with the aim to showcase their potential to improve prediction and monitoring of mineral dust, as well as to provide guidelines for the future development of dedicated dust observation products tailored for data assimilation.
The event is taking place at Barcelona School of Informatics (Sala de Juntes, B6 building, Campus Nord, Barcelona).