Women in Computer Sciences (WICS)

WiCS: Women in Computer Science

WiCS (Women in Computer Science) is an initiative within BSC driven by researchers and staff from the Operations and Computer Science departments. We aim at building an internal and external network of support to encourage and promote women in Computer Science and High-Performance Computing.

Its main objectives are:

  • Attract more female talent to Computer Sciences and Operations departments.
  • Give visibility to women and their work/research at Computer Sciences and Operations.
  • Empower and support women in Computer Sciences and Operations departments.
  • Coordinate the actions done in Computer Sciences and Operations departments related to gender equality.
  • Be the contact point between the Equality Committee, the Equity Officer at BSC, and the Computer Sciences/Operations departments.

These objectives are materialized through some specific actions:

  • Define and implement a welcome protocol for new female employees, including assigning a female contact point within the department and a set of slides introducing the WiCS initiative.
  • Establish an open monthly coffee as a safe space to create a support network: get to know each other, share experiences, or express any doubt or concern.
  • Organize a yearly open doors event for students from UPC, oriented to attract female talent.
  • Set up technical training by and for women (e.g., on Performance Analysis).
  • Participation in international initiatives (e.g., Women in ACM and Women in HPC)
  • Create audiovisual content to visualize, promote and encourage the participation of women in Science.

The WiCS team is formed by researchers and staff from the Computer Sciences and Operations departments. You can contact us at: wics_lead@bsc.es


  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/wics-bsc/
  • https://twitter.com/WiCS_BSC

Opening events:

WiCS Kick-off meeting

On the 14th of July 2022, we presented the WiCS initiative to all the female researchers in the Computer Sciences and Operations departments. It was a venue to share the objectives and planning of actions and get to know and meet each other.

WiCS Open doors May 2022

On the 25th of May 2022, we opened the doors to the BSC and, particularly, the Computer Science and Operations department to students from the campus. During this day, eight women working at BSC explained their work, research, and professional trajectory. After the presentations, the assistants had the opportunity to talk with the researchers while having a coffee and some pastries. The day finished with a visit to the Marenostrum4 supercomputer.