
Showing 11 - 20 results of 563

El proyecto EPYSIM tiene como objetivo fundamental mejorar el conocimiento de la corteza superior bajo el NE de Iberia al integrar la caracterización de la Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa, el área sismogenética alrededor de La Selva y la estructura litosférica 3D y las propiedades térmicas a gran escala de la transición entre los...

The aim of the BOREAS project is to blend knowledge from climate predictions and projections to make the Spanish energy sector more resilient to climate variability and climate change, hence contributing to the better management of the current climate and energy crises.

Spain has the objective to reach climate neutrality by 2050, which is part of the...

Hi ha un consens compartit en el sector agrícola sobre la importància que tindrà l'agricultura de precisió con a eina imprescindible per la millora de la productivitat. L´agricultura de precisió es basa en d'eines d'anàlisis computacionals per optimitzar l'ús de recursos agrícoles, aplicant-los en aquelles parts d...

El corazón es principalmente una bomba altamente especializada que sustenta la vida proporcionando suficiente flujo de sangre a todo el cuerpo. Como tal, comprender la función completa del corazón en la salud y la enfermedad es de primordial importancia para el avance de dispositivos médicos, medicamentos y terapias. Los avances en el modelado...

The deposition of dust and other terrestrial aerosols represents an external supply of nutrients to the ocean surface. This supply helps sustain...

Microbial production of plant metabolites has economic & environmental benefits over traditional extraction and chemical methods. Despite initial progress & the successful market introduction of some molecules, the microbial production of oxygenated plant metabolites (OPMs) mediated by cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) is still lagging, making them almost inaccessible to...

The field of catalytic green hydrogen production, although indispensable for the transition to a renewable future, still suffers from widespread irreproducibility of results that limits its full commercialisation. The largest obstacle lies in the methods widely employed in synthesising the active catalysts, which impede unambiguously identifying the property-structure...

New architectures for Exascale and post-Exascale computers will have massively parallel and heterogeneous processing capabilities that will require the complete redesign and reimplementation of the used algorithms to fully exploit the possibilities of these supercomputers. The objective of the Inno4scale project is to promote the efficient use of European HPC systems by...

Cancer is one of the leading causes for disease and death in Europe with millions of people being diagnosed or dying because of it. In addition, billions of euros need to be injected into the system to fight these diseases. Cancer tumours are extremely heterogeneous entities with complex subclonal structures that interact with normal cells surrounding them. This complexity...

The transport sector represents around 25% of all EU CO2 emissions. To face this challenge, the NEXTBAT consortium, involving 12 partners from 6 different EU countries and 1 Associated Partner from Switzerland, will provide a new framework for standardization of the next generation of battery system design that will contribute to speed up a safe and sustainable...
