Register to the 2nd International BSC Doctoral Symposium 2015

Dear participant, the registration form MUST be submitted; otherwise your extended abstract will not be accepted.

If you have any questions regarding the data to fill-in the form, please mail

If you experience any technical problem during the registration process, please email




1. Personal Information
Please give your institutional e-mail address, where you are registered as PhD student or work as PostDoc researcher.
2. Affiliation
Note: A proof of student status has to be shown upon request at arrival (e.g. student card or letter from your home institution).
Please give the supervisor’s institutional e-mail address.
3. Extended Abstract
The Extended Abstract must have at least one author registered by the corresponding Camera-Ready deadline. Please submit the Extended Abstract and Short Bio through the links below and in the required format. In the Extended Abstract you can state if you prefer giving a talk or presenting a poster, and the selection committee will make the final decision.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: zip.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: zip.
4. Tutorial
Note: Accepted presenters (talks and posters) and volunteer students have guaranteed places on the tutorial. For the rest of the attendees the places will be assigned on the first come-first served basis. The selected attendees will be announced as soon as possible.
5. Special Requirements
If you have any special requirements (access, dietary or other), please let us know here:
(please specify)
(please specify)